#26 w-report is High on South Tyrol PART 2

#26 w-report is High on South Tyrol PART 2

“Italians only ski when the sun is out, the trails are perfectly groomed, and they spend as much time eating as they do on the slopes,” laughed Agustina Lagos Marmol, the Argentinean-born founder of the travel specialty company  Dolomite Mountains , and a friend. She organizes the most amazing ski safaris throughout the Dolomiti Superski area, where guests can cross through different regions, spending each night in a different hotel. Last year I reported on a gourmet version of one, organized by Agustina, and guided by the most inspiring female guide,  Marika Fave,  for the Australian magazine  Travel + Luxury .

By  Gisela Williams  / Feb.27, 2025

Read the full article here.